common subpackage


Contains common functionalities shared across different robot types

  • camera: Module for camera-related functionalities.

  • system: Module for system-related functionalities.

camera module

class str)

Bases: object

Obtain the video stream status and access the video stream.

Note: This functionality is specific to the Intel RealSense D435 series. Consider alternative methods for camera access if you are not using this camera model. For other camera types or models, explore appropriate interfaces or libraries that suit your camera hardware and requirements.


baseurl (str) – The IP address and port of the robot host.

video_stream_status: bool = None

Indicates whether the Intel RealSense D435 camera is open. It is set to True when the camera is open.

video_stream_url: str = None

Provides the address to access the video stream when the Intel RealSense D435 camera is open.

system module

class rocs_client.common.system.System

Bases: object

This class provides functionality for shutting down, restarting, and executing other system-related commands.

static reboot()
static shutdown()